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PMA Partner Press

Torsten Lampe joining as Managing Director


PMA Partner is excited to announce that Torsten Lampe is joining as managing director

Torsten Lampe gained over 15 years of experience in the segments of IT processes, traveltech and technology management from one of the leading travel companies in Europe, the FTI Group.

Prior to PMA Partner, Torsten was FTI Group Chief Technology Officer, responsible for IT, process and project management.

In addition, he was member of the Board of Directors of Anixe Polska Sp. z o.o., which provides technical solutions for the travel industry since more than 20 years.

PMA Partner is more than happy to have such great leader onboard, with bringing his industry and tech-knowledge as well as his positive and enthusiastic mindset into PMA Partner, we will be able to rewrite the history of tourism operation.

Ahmet Pandir

Managing Director at PMA Partner


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